Thursday, February 27, 2014

Let's Hope This Portends the Future of Higher Ed!

"The University of Maine at Presque Isle announced that it will become one of the first public universities in the country to adopt a proficiency-based approach to teaching and learning."  For more information, click this link.

Helpful Advice for Mentors, Coaches, and Mentees

"The thing that most expands leadership is the belief that we don't know." Check out this recent blog post from "The Leadership Freak".  It contains helpful advice for mentors, coaches, and mentees.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Publishing Student Thinking

Publishing students' final projects/products can provide an audience beyond the classroom, but publishing their thinking was a new idea to me.  27 Ways to Publish Student Thinking provides a helpful list of publishing vehicles.  I didn't love the notion of the "threat" of publishing, but I was intrigued by the idea of "upping the ante" by providing opportunities for students to make their thinking visible and public.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Resources for Teaching Students (and Oneself!) Strategies for Effective Internet Searching

Researching on the internet can work well, or not.
Here are some resources for learning more about how to search effectively, using Google and other search engines:
Wading through the Web (classroom resources for grades 6-8 from the International Reading Association)

200 Prompts for Argumentative/Persuasive Writing from the NYT!

Terrific resource!  200 prompts (written as questions) and each prompt links to at least one related New York Times article, to help students get started seeking background information and evidence.
This site lists prompts in the following categories:
Education (39 prompts);
Technology and Social Media (25 prompts);
Arts and Media: TV, Music, Video Games and Literature (25 prompts);
Gender Issues (15 prompts);
Sports and Athletics (16 prompts);
Politics and the Legal System (19 prompts);
Parenting and Childhood (16 prompts);
Health and Nutrition (10 prompts);
Personal Character and Morality Questions (20 prompts);
Science (6 prompts); and
Other Questions (9 prompts)

Reading and Writing Workshop Videos from TCRWP!

In this great new collection of videos you'll find:
a first grade shared reading experience and subsequent reading workshop;
second grade reading minilesson and subsequent reading workshop and interactive read aloud
and a  fourth grade writing minilesson and subsequent writing workshop in an integrated co-teaching class.
This collection also includes illuminating videos of pre- and post-conference coaching sessions for all three grades, based on the Danielson model.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Useful Resources for Teaching Literacy and Social Studies

The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project has compiled a great, annotated list of resources, complete with links to websites.
The list has two categories: Museums and Historical Archives and Some Useful Magazines and Websites

"How can I help at home?" Some answers for parents.

How Can I Help at Home? 5 Ways to Support Your Child's Reading and Writing Life offers some great, brief, accessible advice.  A great handout from the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project for parents of elementary students.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Great Writing Resources from TCRWP

Check out these great resources for teaching persuasive (argument) writing from the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project!
They include:
protocol for "argument talk";
Steps for getting argument protocols up and running in Reading Workshop;
Tips for looking at students' persuasive writing to plan instruction and feedback;
A planning guide for shared writing and guided reading groups