Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Cognitive Bias

"When it comes to assessing risk, humans often fail to make rational decisions because our brains take mental shortcuts that prevent us making the correct choice. Since the 1960s behavioural scientists and psychologists have been researching these failings, and have identified and labelled dozens of them. Here are some that can cause havoc when it comes to assessing risks in business"...(or in the business of life!)  GREAT infographic from Raconteur found here 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Teaching Math for Everyone: Supporting All Learners

Presenter: John Tapper
March 11 & 12, 2019  Capital Plaza, Montpelier, VT
Check out this amazing opportunity for
     K-8 teachers, special educators, interventionists, and curriculum leaders

Every classroom has children who learn differently. Yet, most math classrooms approach learning as if everyone needed the same instruction and the same practice. For students whose needs are not met, this can have disastrous effects on their academic careers and on their futures. Participants who attend this workshop will learn:

• Why mathematics is so important for creating equity in schools
• High leverage concepts to help focus math instruction • Critical components of lessons that help
     meet the needs of all learners
• Methods of assessment that investigate student thinking and lead to effective instruction
• How to create a Math Menu to differentiate instruction

For more information and to register, click here