Thursday, August 16, 2018

Unfair and Unwise - Vermonters for Schools and Community

"The Secretary of Education's Plan Regarding Involuntary Mergers misguides the State Board of Education, violates the law, and damages public education."
     This report: Unfair and Unwise -  from Vermonters for Schools and Community - was released on August 15, 2018.  For anyone committed to strengthening local democracy, preserving and enhancing community engagement in schools, and improving student learning for all, it is well worth the read.  The report ends with specific, well-reasoned recommendations for both the Vermont State Board of Education and the General Assembly of the Vermont Legislature. The recommendations to the Legislature include these:

  • Amend Act 46 and Title 16 to provide for the separation from any unified union school districts any town in which a majority of voters in a duly warned election vote to separate.
  • Amend Act 46 by requiring an assessment of its impact on curriculum offerings, education spending, tax and spending equity, equity of student outcomes across gender, race, and income variables, and overall excellence of student outcomes.

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