Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Resources for Racial Justice Conversations with Kids

Here are some resources for families as we lead conversations at home around racial justice. 
This list was compiled by Union Elementary School in Montpelier, VT.

Resources for Racial Justice Conversations with Kids

100 Race Conscious Things to say to your Child to Advance Social Justice

Talking About Race and Racism with Young Children
(Source: School Library Journal)

Smithsonian Resource: Talking About Race:

Reading to End Racism Book List - HERE

UES Teacher Read Aloud Say Something By Peter Reynolds 

Something Happened in our Town (Video Read Aloud):

All Are Welcome Read Aloud:

Educational Tools from Black Lives Matter

Why Teaching Black Lives Matters, Matters
- How to be Anti-Racist, by Ibram X. Kendi
- A Book About Racism (a kids book, good to use as a conversation-starter)

K-8 Distance Learning Activities Related to George Floyd and Black Lives Matter:

Infographic - Are you kids too young to talk about race? 

NewsELA - Leveled Article regarding recent protests for Students in upper elementary / middle / high school:

Parent Education Podcasts
The Longest Shortest Time (podcast episode, really helpful for a strong equity mindset when it comes to the intersection of parenting and education)
- (also a podcast episode, a little more of a how-to than the one above)

Beyond the Golden Rule - An article that addresses common questions related to prejudice. 

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