Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Vermont Portrait of a Graduate plus Personalized Learning Plan Overview - Register ASAP

 Audience: Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, and K-12 Educators 

With support from the AOE, Great Schools Partnership (GSP) is continuing to share information related to the Portrait of a Graduate (PoG) development process. The GSP team is offering a series of virtual coaching sessions throughout the fall. These sessions will include discussions focused on particular topics as well as opportunities for individual coaching. The first session, The Vermont PoG and Personalized Learning Plans Overview on September 19 from 3 to 4 p.m., will provide an overview of the development process and explore ways to build connections between the PoG and students’ Personalized Learning Plans. Registration for the virtual coaching sessions is now open.  
Contact: Pat Fitzsimmons,  

(excerpt from the VT AOE Weekly Field Memo - Volume 17, Issue 32)

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