Thursday, February 15, 2024

A Tribute to Robie Harris, Author of "It's Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, and Sexual Health"

            Robie Harris, renowned author of books on children’s sexual health, died last week at 83. Here’s the New York Times obituary. Her best-known book, It’s Perfectly Normal, has sold more than a million copies and been translated into 27 languages. It’s also one of the most banned books in the United States. Here are a few quotes from Robie Harris: 

  • Our children do not grow up in bubbles, so they already know a lot about risky behavior. However, they also have a lot of misinformation about what is risky and what is not. That’s why they need to have an honest understanding and not a sugarcoated understanding of sexuality. And I believe that is what serves our children and teens best. 
  • I write books for children because in some small way I hope that they will find the words I write useful, reassuring, interesting, and at times humorous, and also in some small way help them to stay emotionally and/or physically healthy by giving honest, accurate, up-to-date, and age-appropriate information.” 
  • I would never say that every family, or school, or library, or health organization, or religious group must have the books I write. But those who choose to should have the right to that choice. And yes, all the work I do is also connected not only to my right to read and write, but to children’s and teens’ right to read. 
  • I believe that our librarians are the real heroes in our democracy. They are the keepers of our democracy by allowing children, teens, and adults to choose the books they want to read or may randomly come across in the library. This allows them to have access to ideas and information they may seek, or need, or come across by happenstance. Every librarian is on the front line of his or her community, defending that freedom. As a children’s books author, I am only in front of my computer.

Please Note: This summary is reprinted with permission from issue #1023 of The Marshall Memo, an excellent resource for educators.

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