Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Online Social Studies Resources

In this Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy article, Joshua Kenna and Anthony Pellegrino (University of Tennessee/Knoxville) recommend two websites for social studies teachers:
• National Jukebox: http://www.loc.gov/jukebox This digital audio archive has more than 10,000 recordings of speeches and music from 1901 to 1925.
• Clio: https://www.theclio.com/web/ This is a free public history website and mobile app that serves as an active collaborative research, interpretation, and map-building project linking professional and local historians, museum professionals, scholars, and university students.

“Digital Resources for Social Studies” by Joshua Kenna and Anthony Pellegrino in Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, May/June 2018 (Vol. 61, #6, p. 705-708); the authors can be reached at jkenna@utk.edu and apelleg2@utk.edu.

(Please Note: The item above was spotted in issue #736 of The Marshall Memo, and reprinted here with permission.  The Marshall Memo is a GREAT resource for educators.)

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