Thursday, November 21, 2019

Some favorite recent tweets from Alfie Kohn

Useful advice for someone who's learning to drive: Do not go as fast as you think the car in front of you SHOULD be traveling

When teachers complained to Ted Sizer about a kid, he’d gently reframe by asking “What does this student need from you?”

The late James Moffett suggested this slogan for elite, selective schools: "Send us winners and we'll make winners out of them!"

Too few H.S. students realize that the % of colleges placing "considerable importance" on applicants' SAT/ACT scores continues its slow decline & has now fallen below 1/2. (In fact, >1,000 colleges no longer require these tests at all.) See Table 7 of

My favorite quip from the late Jerry Bracey: "There is a growing technology of testing that now permits us to do in nanoseconds things that we shouldn't be doing at all"

Thanks @alfiekohn !

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