Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Teaching & Assessing Reflection VT-HEC

Presenter: Bill Rich
After a brief and compelling exploration of why and how the human brain reflects, participants will experience and explore strategies and systems for engaging students in meaningful and varied reflection that improves performance.  This is a WORKshop, so arrive ready to draft a plan for refining your approach to teaching and assessing reflection.  All educators are welcome, regardless of the age of your learners.

Participants will leave this WORKshop ready to:

  • Describe how and why the human brain reflects...and what this tells us about how to teach and assess reflection.
  • Diagnose what's working and what needs work in the current ways we teach and assess reflection.
  • Apply specific strategies for engaging students in meaningful and varied reflection. 
  • Access a wide range of helpful digital resources to share with colleagues and sustain the journey. 
Bill Rich is a longtime VT-HEC consultant and instructor.  He began our TASS (Teaching All Secondary Students) Program, as part of a design team and member of the TASS Steering Committee.  A recognized expert in the area of differentiated instruction, Bill's work is featured in Carol Tomlinson's book, The Differentiated School: Making Revolutionary Changes in Teaching and Learning.  His focus is recently on the many facets of Proficiency-Based Personalized Learning.  Bill received his Masters from the Breadloaf School of English at Middlebury College.  He has taught for over 20 years in Vermont.   

Date:  May 13, 2020
Place: Delta Hotel, South Burlington, VT
Cost: $190 (includes lunch
Time: 8:30 - 3:30

brought to you by the Vermont Higher Education Collaborative (VTHEC)

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