Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Spotting Fake News Stories

  •  Check the URL of the story: abcnews.com is a legitimate news source. abcnews.com.co is not. Anything that ends with something other than .com is likely to be a spoof.
  • If someone important is quoted, google the quote. It can be tracked back to an event or a statement if it is legit.
  • Reverse search the questionable image on google. Right click the image and copy the URL.  Go to images.google.com and paste the URL to find out where it came from.
Check with these tools:
  • PoliticsFactcheck.org and Politifact.com
  • General Scams - Snopes.com 
  • Email and Facebook Hoaxes - Truthorfiction.com and Hoaxslayer.com

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